Fuel Your Fandom
Everything is Fandom, and Fandom is Everything! Find your passion and share it with the world!
Podcasting since 2019 • 218 episodes
Fuel Your Fandom
Latest Episodes
Episode #211: Goodie Grab Bag Season Six Wrap-Up
Saint and Jim are saying "so long" to season six with a bit of an odds-n'-ends episode. Reason being, sometimes they toss out possible topics that are intriguing, but not necessarily beefy enough to carry much of a look. F'rinstance, when exact...
Season 6
Episode 40
Episode #210: Rocket To the Krypton
Now that Jame's Gunn's new Big Blue Boy Scout trailer has hit the interwebs, Saint and Jim thought it might be time to dig a little into The Supe You Think Of When You Think Of Supes — mostly 'cuz it's right there in his name. Not a bird, not a...
Season 6
Episode 39
Episode #209: Saint's Better Half Makes A Comeback!
Everyone needs a day off from time to time, whether that's due to fun activities, it unplanned family events requiring your attention. In this particular case, Ol' Jim needed the week off, so Saint recruited his lovely better half to step into ...
Season 6
Episode 38
Episode #208: Disney Goes HARD
No matter what your feelings are on Disney, there’s no denying it: the Mouse House is a complete entertainment juggernaut. Movies, TV, video games…you name it, they do it, and well. But there’s one aspect of their entertainment empire that — de...
Season 6
Episode 37
Episode #207: I've Got Ads That Jingle Jangle Jingle
Advertising. Even just saying the word makes people roll their eyes, since the culture has managed to find ways to cram ads into every bloody crevice in the universe now. We even pay extra just to skip them a lot of the time. But it wasn't alwa...
Season 6
Episode 36